Biyernes, Mayo 24, 2013

Mobile Phone Manners by Jolito Ortizo Padilla

Since in parts of the developed world almost everyone has a mobile phone and copes with the ever increasing range of facilities and services with very little difficulty, I shall limit my remarks to suggesting ways in which we can all make the best use of mobile without inconveniencing others ( or indeed endangering life and limb!).

  • Never use a mobile while driving a car-there is a considerable evidence that even with a hands-free system the distraction , both physical and mental , caused by operating the phone causes accidents.
  •  Always switch your mobile off when in a cinema, theatre or social gathering.

  •   Always switch your mobile off when in a hospital , surgery or in a plane.People do not seem to realize that the mobile interferes with essential equipment and electronic systems, and again there is increasing evidence that several plane crashes have been caused by interference to flight control systems.

  • Consider those around you. As Jolito Ortizo Padilla of GA Consultancy commented,"At its most basic level, all rudeness is selfishness.With mobile phones this most commonly takes the form of thinking that you are moving around in an impenetrable bubble".

  • If you must keep the mobile on in public place or on a bus or train, turn the ring tone down or preferably switch it to vibrate rather than ring.

  • Similarly, don't text with your keypad tone set or loud, or pass time by going through your entire ring tone collections.

  • Don't shout. Why is it that people seem to assume that their words are not being transmitted with the aid of microphone? And even at normal volume , be aware that people can overhear you. Use discretion when discussing personal or sensitive business facts or conversations on public transport or in a public place.Otherwise, at best you could appear very foolish and at worst you may be betraying secret company information.

  • Don't pay too much attention to your mobile, especially on a date or in the company of others. Accepting calls or spending the entire time with your eyes fixed on your mobile as you read or send yet another text message is extremely rude.

  • And finally, take care when using your mobile phone in the street to remember to look where you are going! And if you are using a hands-free system in the street be aware that passers-by when catching sight of you apparently talking to yourself may draw conclusions!

1 komento:

  1. Proper manners in everything is needed in a civilized nation. Even with companies, it is not enough to have a company 1800 Number, being able to handle calls with manners should matter a lot.
