Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

Mind Mapping by Jolito Ortizo Padilla

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I participated a learning programme  during my stint in one of the colleges in the Middle East with the topic "Teaching Methodology". I felt I was in a kindergarten classroom with the way the trainor was conducting the learning process  and the materials used were not updated.

A poor experience in training can be hugely demotivating for staff. It is also a waste of money for business and a waste of time for all involved ; particularly if the trainor don't have the ability to connect with the trainee and failed to form an association of thoughts and ideas.

Mind mapping isn't new, but are people being given the opportunity to learn using this technique in order to help them solve problems and make decisions? How many times you have been on a learning programme which is instantly forgettable? That's because learning isn't a "one size fits all" solution. Different people need different types of training- some respond best to the traditional lecture, some think in pictures, others like to put it down in words. Mind mapping is a recognized technique to help people think more creatively and incisively, using their own preferred style of learning.

Mind maps are an excellent way to improve learning and retain information. This makes them ideal in assisting people to learn new management approaches , or improve problem-solving and decision- making skills.

Business practices have changed beyond recognition over recent years.Today's business leaders look for innovative training and development solutions that will engage , empower and challenge their employees. Mind mapping can engage employees by teaching them to think and learn effectively.

Types of Learner
In training people prefer different styles; also when it comes to learning and applying new knowledge -people prefer to learn in different ways. That is why mind maps are so useful- they can be drawn in different ways , to suit the individual. The most memorable mind map is the one each person draws for himslef; but they can also be developed by a group in a classroom, or prepared in advance , then discussed with the group and or used as a revision aid.

In a learning context , mind maps have a real value for the learner; they are a dynamic tool. The conversations the group have in the development of a mind map mirrors or "maps" how they came to understand the ideas. It doesn't matter that the drawing itself is a little scrappy -a mess even -it's a growing picture , with which the group can recall the discussions. 

There are four basic types of learner:
- Aural-: well served by traditional lecturing, "chalked-and talk" type teaching. These people are likely to be natural listeners, happy to experience the more traditional whiteboard , flipchart or PowerPoint presentation. ( But note, nowadays there is less tolerance for PowerPoint, which often bores the listener by subjecting them to an information overload.)
- Visual: people who doodle generally think in pictures and are comfortable with illustrations of abstracts ideas, processess and organizations.
- Intellectual: these are comfortable with the abstract models but they need to see the "big picture" first. They have less tolerance for being drip-fed information; they like to "see the wood as well as the trees."
- Kinaesthetic:these people prefer"hands on", tactile learning experiences. They tend to be active ; this type is well represented among senior managers. The worst thing you can do to this kind of learner is to make them sit behind a desk for long periods and ask them to listen -they prefer to learn through trial and error.

Most of us have one preferred or dominant style for learning, but we also have secondary styles as well. The best approach when designing a mind mapping session is to assume that all four types of learner will be present, and to coach in a way that will appeal to each type.

Most of us use the visual mode of learning as either our primary or secondary preferred style;mind maps work well with this. The "intellectuals" values  the "see -it-all-at-once-joined-up" aspects of mind maps. The "kinaesthetics" appreciate the drive of mind maps and the "aurals" really want to talk them through.

When trying to maximize the effectiveness and appeal of any learning experience , one important area is often neglected; the need to help the learner manage their recall. Most of us never really forget experiences , but are often unable to recall them. The brain is likely to be able to recall information when it is strongly associated with a key image., a mnemonic or other word, which is probably why mind maps work so well.

Basically, all management theory is a sort of mental grid, against which we interpret reality. The power of mind maps is that they immediately show these grids in a concrete , visual way.

There is a simple test of the effectiveness of a business investing in mind mapping-results. This can work in several ways to help businesses get control and become more effective. Just as people learn in different ways, so they can use mind mapping in different ways: to plan meetings or to encourage people to put forward their ideas and suggestions. When a group of people needs to come up with ideas quickly, these can be easily captured on the map; this has added benefit of people feeling included in the thinking process. Above all , mind maps can help people orientate themselves in a chaotic , confusing business environment ;this helps to clarify and strengthn a business.

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