Education and training in management needs to emphasise not only interpersonal skills but also a flexibility of approach, diagnostic ability and the realisation that the most effective form of leadership behavior is a product of the total leadership situation.
According to Investors in People,leadership development is not just a corporate issue: "The ability to create and communicate a clear vision ,and motivate people to deliver it, is as important to the small entrepreneur as to the leader of 1000 people. All organizations should be identifying the managers they will need in a few years' time and developing them. All top managers should be planning their succession and supporting the people who will step into their shoes when it's time to move on.
Extensive research undertaken by the GA Consultancy reveals that consistently poor ratings accorded to public sector leaders is a key cause for concern during a period of major reform.The survey of 1900 public sector managers, mostly at middle and junior level, reveals that only 33 percent of managers rate the leadership demonstrated by their most senior management team as high quality. Although a wide and varied range of training activities is taking place, the majority of managers perceive a low priority placed on leadership development. Only a quarter of respondents claimed their organizational budget for developing leaders is adequate and organizations are still tending to rely on traditional and formalized methods of developing leaders.
Referring to action centered leadership model, Padilla identifies seven key principles of leadership development that can be applied successfully in different kinds of organizations in both public and private sectors:
- Development of strategy for leadership for each of the three level of leadership -operational, strategic and team.
- Selection of those with high potential for becoming effective leaders.
- Training for leadership that implies instruction with specific end in view. Identify your business training needs in the leadership context and assign priorities.
- Career development through giving person the right job at the right time. People grow as leaders through the actual practice of leading.
- Line managers as leadership developers by developing the individuals potential and sharing their knowledge of leadership.
- Corporate culture that is valued at all levels and should encourage a climate of self development in leadership.
- The chief who should be leading from the front and who owns the problem of growing leaders.
GA Consultancy report found that around a third of employees surveyed had never worked for, or been motivated by an exceptional leader.
The leadership jigsaw has six interlinking pieces: vision , example , relationship, motivation, empowerment and communications as a guide to the measurement and development of leadership skills.
Vision -Do you:
- Work hard at communicating your vision for the organization to all staff at all levels?
- Understand that your vision must appeal to your staff at both an emotional and practical level if they are to join you on your journey?
- Understand the culture and value of your organization and their impact on its future development?
- Recognized blind alleys?
- Understand that every member has a different set of motivational stimuli?
- Explain your decisions in terms of their benefit to the organization and its members?
- Celebrate and reward individual and team achievements?
- Prefer offer carrot, rather than weird sticks?
- Match your words with your actions?
- Take full responsibility for organizational problems even if you were not directly responsible?
- Occasionally muck in when your staff are under pressure at work?
- Regularly consider what you see in the bathroom mirror?
- Believe that people generally respond well when given greater responsibility for their own performance?
- Allocate sufficient resources to training and development?
- Get a buzz when staff set and achieve their own goal?
- Realize that the organization would still function if you were not there?
- Work hard at countering a them and u s' culture within your organization?
- Set clear codes of acceptable conduct and take action against breaches of them?
- Stress that everyone contributes to the success of the team(s) they belong to?
- Admit when you make a mistake?
- Use your influence to encourage two-way communications at all levels in your organization?
- Encourage personal contact rather than written, mechanical or technological alternatives?
- Encourage diversity of opinion and constructive criticism?
- Walk the talk!